Die Einträge, die mit einem "≤" eingeleitet werden, sind besonders empfehlenswert! Allen, denen die folgende Liste etwas zu lang ist, möchte ich bei ihrer Wahl damit ein bisschen unter die Arme greifen. ;-)
Zum Lesen
- Ein Besuch beim CERN: Antimaterie, Higgs-Teilchen und UFOs im Teilchenbeschleuniger (Astrodicticum Simplex)
- What if photons actually have mass? (Galileo's Pendulum)
- Ten of the Most Interesting Structures of the Universe (From Quarks to Quasars)
- Sternenlicht "lesen":
- Teil I: Helligkeit und Leuchtkraft
- Teil II: Temperatur eines Sterns
- Teil III: Chemische Zusammensetzung (erscheint morgen, also am 17.08.13)
- Cat-turning: the 19th-century scientific cat-dropping craze! (Skulls in the Stars)
- Thermodynamik lernen mit Muse
- ≤ Somnium - der erste Sci-Fi-Roman
- ≤ Was ist Vakuum? (Martin Bäker)
- ≤ Die Vakuumenergie und der Casimir-Effekt (Martin Bäker)
- ≤ In one second on the internet there are...
- How to solve a physics problem (SMBC)
- Warum sind Astronauten im All schwerelos?
- the mug of science:
Zum Schauen
- Can You Find All The Scientific Mistakes In This Picture? (Paleofuture)
- A Year of Sky on Eearth - a different kind of time lapse video (APOD)
- Richard P. Feynman: Take the world from another point of view - Part I
- Trailer for the movie “Gravity” Is Intense and Terrifying (Bad Astronomy)
- ≤ This beautifully composed space footage will 100% give you chills (io9)
- ≤ What Will We Miss? (Vsauce)
- How will the world end? - Sci Guide (Ep 30) (Head Squeeze)
- 6 words you never say at NASA (xkcd)
- AK-47 Underwater at 27,450 frames per second (Part 2) (Smarter Every Day)
- What Shape is the Universe? (io9, Earthlings 101)
- Colonel Chris Hadfield Talks About SoundCloud + Sound in Space (Chris Hadfield)
- Das Sonnensystem - Unser Zuhause im Weltall (Kurzgesagt)
- ≤ Why is light slower in glass? - Part I (Sixty Symbols)
- Part II: More rambling on Reflection (Sixty Symbols)
- General Relativity : Einstein vs. Newton (eyytee)
- Twelve Months in Two Minutes; Curiosity's First Year on Mars (JPLNews)
- ≤ How the Trip to Mars has Changed Us: Adam Steltzner (TEDxTalks)
- Strongest man alive (SMBC)
- ≤ What if the Universe is a Computer Simulation? (Computerphile)
- ≤ Scale of the Universe - Geek Week (Sixty Symbols)
- ≤ Lawrence Krauss: The Flavors of Nothing (Big Think)
- Number Line (numberphile)
- ≤ Point about Points (numberphile)
- The Hubble Ultra Deep Field 3D (Deep Astronomy)
- INSIDE a spherical mirror (Vsauce)
- ≤ Nova Fabric of the Cosmos - What is Space? (Wonder Road)
- Russell Foster: Why do we sleep? (TED Talk)
- How Scientists Stopped Light? (DNews)
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